No hair is the same. Whether a person is mixed or not. So, firstly... what kind of hair are you workin with? In just my own home, i have three children all with different hair types. My son has course, tight curls, like his dad. My oldest daughter has soft textured hair, but inherited medium tight curls. It looks like my hair with a perm. The baby, welllllll... she hasnt gotten her hair yet. She still has baby fine hair. I cant wait to see if she gets tight curls like her brother or medium curls like her sister.
For my son we use coconut oil jelly to keep his scalp and hair moisturized and soft. We keep his hair pretty short because the poor kiddo is tender headed like his daddy.
For my daughter, we use coconut oil jelly every once in a while... but it can weigh her hair down if we use it a lot, so i just use it once a week or as i need to. It really helps keep her scalp soft. Especially since we do her hair everyday.
Here is a picture of my daughters hair... :o)
And here is a picture of my sons hair... :o)
As my children are still young, i try not to use chemicals in their hair. I dont perm, press, relax - nothing... I prefer the natural look and feel. I also do not want to burn them or cause hair loss. There are so many things you can do with natural hair that i see no reason to use harsh chemicals.